After finish the review about Malaysia trip :
Let continue with Khao Nam Khang Tunnel trip. This trip I am going with my car on the road that I have been since I was young.
Camera that I use in this trip
Canon 60D + Lens 50mm f1.8 + 18-55
instagram @iddekfilm
I choose to come to Khao Nam Khang Hsitorical Tunnel because I would like to see the history of communist in Thailand since World War II. Khao Nam Khang is a mountain that has cold weather all year long. People said that there was dew on the grass when go up to the top of the mountain which seem like spider net. That's why they name this mountain as Khao Nam Khang.
There are 2 routes to go to Khao Nam Khang by Car
Route No. 1 : From Muang District, Songkla, you can drive along Songkla-Natvee road to Paching District intersection and then turn right to Natvee district then continue until passing Baan Saton Intersection and Baan Nappang then we will arrive to Khao Nam Khang National Park (Total distant of 86 KM.)
Route No. 2 : From Hat Yai to Klong Wa intersection to Sadao district and continue to Baan Muang, Baan Koh Mee, Sum Nak Taew sub district and we will arrive to Khao Nam Khang National Park (Total distant of 84 KM.)
It takes us about 2 hours to get there. There are not many people come to visit. It might be because of the distant that quite far and also there is no parking space. So if you come, just find your convenience space. Do not waste any more time, let's go find out together>>>
Arriving at the World War II Tunnel or Khao Nam Khang Tunnel, people said that it was a shelter during World War II period.

There is the entrance fee of 40 THB for tunnel reparation and electricity fee. (Please inform the officer there if you would like take some photos at the counter.)
The first zone is about the equipment that has been used during the World War II which mostly are the equipment that use in the cave. Then we will see photos of all soldiers during that period with their bones grave.

Walk inside a little bit more, you will see fish tank and gibbon cage before entering to the tunnel.
Normally, people are going up to Liang San Mountain 108 Staircase which is the entrance but we start from the exit which the tunnel. So do not be confused that we are a little bit different. ^^
Inside the tunnel...
Turn left to the meeting room and the commanding office.
For the meeting room, it is the first point that we stop to adjust ourselves before get in....So excited.
There is staircase to commanding office on the right>>>
This room is a commander office, bedroom and restroom. There is also a commander photo as you can see.
Telegram Room where I almost drop my camera because of this guy who sit in this room....(hahaha that makes it more excited).
Walk inside a little bit, we will see a shooting range where soldier practice shooting. (There are photos of that period in every room)
Air flow is quite good down here because I do not feel uncomfortable at all. You can enjoy walking and see the historical how people can live down here.
This is the kitchen>>>
After that we walk up to top of the cave, passing the activity yard, restroom to Liang San Mountain. We see the big hole where the meeting room, medical room, basketball field, commander house and the marriage room. Tourism Authority of Thailand, Hat Yai Office creates activity for couple who would like to marry in communist style on Valentine of every year.
For the marriage room, it is a small hut with beautiful decoration of flowers and room sign.
There are also the turret and bomb baby area. Continue walking, we go down to the tunnel again and see the digging tools that they used during that period.
Motorbike area...I still have no idea why do they have to practice ride a motorbike down here -_-!..
Conttinue walking and arriving to operation room and medical room with a small wooden bed and photo during the operation. I think it is the last room of the tunnel.
The person who likes historical site tourism should not miss Khao Nam Khang.
Thank you everyone for reading until the end, hope that you enjoy the review and hope that it would useful for you. I promise that I will continue sharing my experience to you all.
Thank you to my companions, Nat Natjadee & Chemima Prasumdert & Wanicbut Wattanamatiphot
My previous review:
ll Countdown at Kuala Lumpur ll a city of train and chick corners ll
Trip by train Hatyai - Padang Besar
Isarapab Chumruksa
Monday, May 30, 2016 3:10 PM